Everyone told me it would go by quickly, but I still can't believe she is 2! So of course, we had a little (turned out to be a not-so-little) party for her with a "girly" cow theme. :)
I decided to brave the scary task of baking and make her a cow shaped cake. I was so relieved when it turned out pretty well! I discovered that there are websites devoted purely to cow products - simplybovine.co
Marley received so many presents, I think we will have to skip Christmas this year! But I know she had a wonderful time! I think her favorite thing was blowing out the candles - which she had been talking about days before her birthday. And when you ask her how old she is, she proudly shouts "Two!". She is so sweet, and I can't wait to see what wonderful things she does during the upcoming year!
Here she is trying out her rocking horse which was handmade by our awesome friend Jimmy Burns! (actually I think she was guarding it so no other kids would take a turn!) :)