Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Words not to teach your one year old

Well, let's just start with one word . . .burp! Yesterday Marley was in her high chair eating and she let out a little (you know, very lady-like) belch and then she says, "Burp". Only it sounded more like "uuuuup" with a "b" at the beginning. I said to Chris, "Did she say burp?" and he said (a little sheepishly), "Oh yeah, I taught her that the other day."

Seriously? So the next time we are out to dinner with little Miss Marley, not only will she burp while eating - she will proudly announce it to everyone around us! Nice one Chris. :)


Anonymous said...

hee hee...Funny, Wesley's niece has it backwards, she says burp when she, ya know! lol! Too funny though. :)

Prairie Cate said...

Sophie pronounces 'S' as 'Sh'; so she says her own name as Shophie. Whenever she drops something at the table, she looks over at it on the floor and announces helpfully that she can 'see it,' but unfortunately this comes out, in that sweet little voice, as 'shee it'!
