Monday, August 23, 2010

One of those moments . . .

. . . when you know being a parent is so much more than you could ever imagine.

I was cleaning up after dinner tonight while Chris helped Marley brush her teeth, etc. and this conversation took place:

Marley: "Daddy, your hair is brown - why?"

Chris: "Because it got darker as I got older."

Marley: "If you are old, probably you will be in heaven soon."

Chris asked me if I heard her, and I said sort of, so we had a repeat, and then Marley said she didn't want us to be old and leave her because she would "be all alone".

She's 3 months shy of three years old and I wasn't prepared for this conversation just yet. So . . . I gave her a really big hug and told her that she would never be alone because she has so many people who love her. I told her that Mommy and Daddy would always be there for her (even from heaven) and then listed out all of the other people in her life that love her and help to take care of her, and she gave me the biggest smile and the biggest hug back.

I cannot ignore the irony in the fact that we are meeting with our lawyer at 11:00 in the morning to start drawing up our wills . . .

1 comment:

Jode-I said...

Wow...Mama said when I was younger (but not 3) that I saw some gray in her hair...she told me that I started CRYING b/c I did not want her to get old and die. lol - the things kids's amazing and sad at the same time :(