Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wait, what year is it?

I think I will try to slide in at least 12 blogs between now and Christmas - just ignore the fact that they have all been squeezed in 2 months. ;)

It is hard to believe that we are halfway through October of 2012. Didn't I just have a baby? Oh yeah - Chandler turned 18 months on Thursday and our little Marley Moo will be five in four weeks. (let's not mention that I turned 35 in August - augh!)

Speaking of my age though - my thirties thus far have treated me very well. I think it is true what "they" say about your 30s being better than your 20s. I feel more settled. And happier. And appreciative. Life is good . . . even if I forget what year it is!

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