Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Rose-olph the Reindeer

Here's a little chuckle for you. . . Now that Marley is in kindergarten, most days we walk home from school. Well, on Monday she wore a headband decorated with reindeer antlers and on the way home she said, "Guess who I am?"
My super original guess was, "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer?"
She said, "No, Mama. I am Rose-olph, the girl reindeer." So me, the dense mom that I am, thought she was talking about the girl reindeer who has a crush on Rudolph in the movie, so I say, "Um, I don't remember her name, is it Claire?"
And then she says, "Maaammmaaa - I am Rose-olph, like Rudolph, but my nose is PINK not red, cause I'm a girl - so it's ROSE OFF!!" I am also pretty sure there was an unspoken, "Duh." at the end of that exclamation.

And then she said the funniest thing of all. "So, is Rudolph rude?" We were crossing a four lane street at this very moment, so I said, "No, hold my hand, Rudolph is not rude, why?"
And she says, "Cause his name is RUDE-off!"

Now that, people, is some funny stuff right there!

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