Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can you say stocking stuffer?

So, I was perusing the pages of my newest catalog this evening, and lo and behold - I found something worth buying! Yep, I am excited to have marked something off my Christmas shopping list so early in the year! I know several members of my family (and a few friends) who are going to be thrilled with these stocking stuffers. But what really sold me on this ingenious product was the description:
Sometimes you just can’t control a gassy stomach...and what may happen as a result. But relax — the pressure’s off when you’re protected with these antimicrobial pads. Just stick to your underwear (even thongs) and go about your day. If you make a slip, don’t worry—the odor is neutralized by the activated carbon layer, and you’re spared the embarrassment. Great for travel, office or anywhere you’re in close quarters!

Know of someone who could benefit from these nifty odor neutralizing pads? Check them out! Please make sure you read the reviews - it did receive a 4.9 out of 5 stars (mostly because these do not also serve as mufflers). My sister is gonna love hers!!

1 comment:

Kristen Klett said...

seriously? WOW! I really will consider getting for you-know-who :)