Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our little song writer

So I'm not 100% sure, but I think we have a Taylor Swift on our hands - I think Marley has just written the words to her first song! Here's the rundown . . . Our fourteen year old next door neighbor, Caroline, watched Marley on Sunday so that we could see Avatar (It was excellent by the way - especially at the I-Max in 3-D - but I digress . . .) We very rarely have sitters during the evening, and this was the first time Caroline had kept Marley. But apparently they got along fabulously!

Tonight, as Chris and I were putting Marley to bed she says, "I have a song" and starts singing the following:

Carolina, Carolina come to my house
Carolina, Carolina go to sleep
Carolina, Carolina play with me

As best as I could understand at least!! Guess I need to get that child a microphone!!

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