Thursday, May 27, 2010

From the mouths of babes

So here is a brief little entry about Marley's latest comedic moment! Yesterday evening, I ran out to do a little shopping while Chris and Marley enjoyed some "father-daughter" time together.

When I came back, I asked him how she did - you know the really important questions like, "Did she pee-pee and poop on the potty okay for you?" (Marley jumped on the potty bandwagon around two weeks ago, but that's for another blog!) He told me that she did something even better. They were watching a little Sprouts on TV just before bedtime and she says, "Daddy - I have to poop! But I can do it MYSELF!" and shut the door on him when he tried to assist her.

She then comes out of the bathroom and proudly exclaims, "I DID IT!!! Look Daddy, I made a rocket ship!!" A rocket ship? Man, this kid has an imagination!! :)

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