Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Here are a couple of things Marley has said lately that has cracked us up. :)

Last week we were having dinner with Chris' mom (aka Sasa) when Marley says, "My mommy is getting smaller at Weight Watchers." And then after a brief pause, "My daddy needs to go there too." I almost fell out. She doesn't really know adjectives like "skinny" or "fat" (and I hope it's while before she does), so smaller is a pretty good description as I have lost 23 pounds since mid-June. Go Mama!

Marley started back to preschool the week of Labor Day at the Kirk of Kildaire Children's Center (Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings) and when I pick her up I always ask her to tell me about what she did at school. The other day she responded with, "I like school, but my teacher is ALWAYS telling me what to do!" Guess she better get used to that one!

Here's a recent picture of the little rascal that I took while we were making sugar cookies. We got a little crazy with the flour!

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