Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A New Family Tradition

Ok - first of all, I know I am giving in to all of the EARLY holiday decorations and gifts in the stores, but it really has made me want to start shopping (and thinking about our Christmas card) about a month ahead of schedule. You win, consumerism!!!

The fun thing that I have taken from all of these IN YOUR FACE holiday products is the desire to start a new family tradition. Enter matching Christmas pajamas. Yes. I realize that to some of my "cool" friends and family, this may sound a little dorky (well, maybe a LOT dorky to a few of you - and you know who you are), but I will just throw this in the bag with Christmas Vacation (I love you Clark Griswold) and cream cheese & pepper jelly on Ritz crackers (just EAT it people).

So, if you plan to spend Christmas morning with the Windley's, you are going to be wearing a new set of Christmas pajamas. Preferably flannel. Now, I wonder how Santa will deliver the aforementioned pajamas? I'm thinking he delivers them along with the Elf on the Shelf that is going to appear sometime around Thanksgiving . . .

And just to get everyone else in the holiday mood a bit early, here are a few fun photos from last year.
Yes, that big red belly contains a baby!


Bailey Claus
Chris "engineering" Marley's Christmas gingerbread train.

1 comment:

Carl Miller said...

I can't see the pictures.